Medicare Articles

Medi-Cal Eligibility & Nursing Home Care

You might want to think again if you believed Medi-Cal planning meant only meeting strict income and asset limits to qualify for long-term care. Medi-Cal eligibility can be challenging because the criteria are not always clear. You will also need to demonstrate you need the level of care typically provided in a nursing home setting. Health eligibility rules are valid if you apply for nursing home coverage or a Medi-Cal waiver program for coverage in your home or assisted living facility. California has a level of care requirement and criteria to determine if you meet the mandated level of care. ... Read More

Are Medicare and Social Security at Risk of Insolvency?

A government study found that Medicare and Social Security are at risk of collapse. Unless action is taken, Social Security will exceed its income by 2020, whereas Medicare is projected to exceed its hospital insurance fund by 2026. Social Security will have to start spending down, potentially including massive cuts in payments to recipients by 2035. Likewise, Medicare will be forced to leave patients on the hook for more and more of their hospital and nursing home expenses. This will have massive effects, especially on those who rely on these social welfare programs the most. According to this study by ... Read More

By |July 30, 2021|Elder Law|

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Botti & Morison Estate Planning Workshop

Free 2-Hour Estate Planning Workshop – Camarillo, CA

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
10:00 am
- 12:00 pm

Botti & Morison Estate Planning Workshop

Free 2-Hour Estate Planning Workshop – Camarillo, CA

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
7:00 pm
- 9:00 pm

Botti & Morison Estate Planning Workshop

Free 2-Hour Estate Planning Workshop – Camarillo, CA

Saturday, September 21, 2024
10:00 am
- 12:00 pm

Botti & Morison Estate Planning Workshop

Free 2-Hour Estate Planning Workshop – Camarillo, CA

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
7:00 pm
- 9:00 pm

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